Have You Really Tried To Save Gas By Getting Into A Car Club?
WWII poster showing a battle hardened soldier asking if those on the homefront are saving enough gas for the war effort. Guilt tripping the public was a popular theme, as their sacrifices in no way compared to those fighting overseas. These car clubs were the original Uber!
Measures 20x28”
Condition- very good, bottom left paper loss, split at left horizontal fold, about 2” repaired with acid free archival tape on verso
WWII poster showing a battle hardened soldier asking if those on the homefront are saving enough gas for the war effort. Guilt tripping the public was a popular theme, as their sacrifices in no way compared to those fighting overseas. These car clubs were the original Uber!
Measures 20x28”
Condition- very good, bottom left paper loss, split at left horizontal fold, about 2” repaired with acid free archival tape on verso
WWII poster showing a battle hardened soldier asking if those on the homefront are saving enough gas for the war effort. Guilt tripping the public was a popular theme, as their sacrifices in no way compared to those fighting overseas. These car clubs were the original Uber!
Measures 20x28”
Condition- very good, bottom left paper loss, split at left horizontal fold, about 2” repaired with acid free archival tape on verso